Reset Igt Slot Machine

International Game Technology PLC, formerly Gtech S.p.A. And Lottomatica S.p.A., is a multinational gaming company that produces slot machines and other gaming technology. It is replaced by twisting about a quarter to half a turn as it is held in place with a bayonet type mount. Prior to closing the belly glass door, turn the power switch on the right inside of the machine on to verify the bulb. Lift the belly glass assembly up and push it into place. IGT - Bucks Ahoy Machine. Platform: IGT Reel Touch. Coinless with LCD Monitor Configuration: Multi line reel + video slot. Includes reset key Max Bet: 45 Credits multi-denomination 6 month parts - 90 day refurbished LCD warranty New LCD upgrade is covered by a 3 year factory warranty Shipping charges are not included with the base price.


Before you can setup your machine, you have to get it out of it’s shipping crate. There are many staples holding the crate together. Remove the top using a hammer and a screwdriver or a pry bar. Then remove one side panel the same way. With a side panel and the top gone the machine will come out of the crate.

Now you can begin to set up the machine.

If a stand is going to be used, it must be capable of holding 250 lbs or more without collapsing.

Open the machine door by moving the sliding lock lever (Right side of machine) all the way up. (Close the door by reversing this process.) (You may have to slightly lift the door up or down in order to lock the lever all the way in the down position) –

You will find that the coin change/service lamp that is normally attached to the top of the machine may have been removed and placed inside the machines coin hopper for shipping purposes. It attaches to the top of the machine with the 2 machine screws that are threaded into the candle. –

You will need to open the door on the machine and remove the top glass in order to gain access to the under side where the candle mounts.

You will find a white colored quick connect plug in the area behind the top glass that the lamp will plug into.

Your jackpot reset key has been placed into the reset switch lock located on the left side of the machine.

You will only use the reset key to reset the machines jackpot alarm when someone gets lucky enough to get a jackpot or when changing games. (Otherwise you will not need to turn this key)

You should notice that we left a coin in the coin comparator which is located in the door of the machine. This coin must remain in place or your machine will not accept coins and you will get a tilt error code or the coin will jam. You will also find the power cord inside the hopper.


Igt Slot Machine Reset Key

Reset Igt Slot Machine

Route the power cord thru a small opening in the back/bottom right side and plugs into a standard 110 volt outlet. The power switch is just inside the door opening (Right side) –

There’s also a small white test switch located on the main board. You don’t need to touch that. Initially when the machine is powered on it will initialize testing memory a self test and the reels will spin up. Anytime the door is opened and closed it may or may not do the same reel spin test.

If you ever get a general reel tilt open door turn your rest key that located on the right side above your pull handle then close your door.


Try to keep the hopper full of coins at all times if you game has a hopper. If you cash the machine out and run out of coins before you run the credit counter down you will get a hopper empty error on the display which is cleared by adding quarters to the hopper and closing the door again.

The only maintenance you should experience are normal wear things like replacing burned out light bulbs and the occasional coin jam which is corrected by removing the jammed coin(s) in the coin comparator.

Another common problem is the Bill Vallidator cash box is not inserted all the way or is mis-aligned which will cause your Bill Vallidator NOT to function. Be sure it is inserted squarely and pushed all the way in place.

The tilt codes that you will run into are reset and cleared by opening and closing the machine door.

Have fun with your slot machine and if you should have any questions or concerns, please contact us so we can help.

Once again, we thank you for choosing us to make your purchase. –

Should you have any questions regarding the setup of your machine, please give us a call and we will do our best to help you out over the telephone.

95% of all problems can be resolved over the phone.

The remaining problems could be caused by the machine being banged around while in transit and might require a replacement part be sent to you. This is very rare but it can and does happen. Don’t panic! This is a casino slot machine and is very reliable.

Thank you for your Business!

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Reset Igt Slot Machine

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Subject: IGT Video Poker closure restart

GaryM (Life is GOOD)
[ Next Thread |Previous Thread |Next Message |Previous Message] Date Posted:14:39:01 11/13/06 Mon
I have an IGT Double Double Bonus Poker (1996). This is a sit down machine. It shows the following:
4 closure restart
In 4
The machine will not accept any coins at all. It just sits in this unusable mode. I have tried resetting all the machine settings. Now, I don't even know the 'default' settings. There are settings such as 'WAM' and 'Communication Type'. Does anyone know what these default settings should be?
Or does anyone know a quick fix for this 'closure restart'?
Thanks and sorry for the rambling....
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[> Subject: Re: IGT Video Poker closure restart

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Date Posted:12:57:13 11/16/06 Thu
Sounds like a IGT PE+
The message you get Closure Restart is what occurs after the door has been open, and restart means the machine has just been turned on.
You should see two values. The 4 written by the closure restart would show what the last game played. 4 in the bottom left would show you the number of coins in. This message goes away when you have played a game but the number of coins from the last game is always displayed
Now for the aspect of your machine not accepting coins.
It could be that it has accepted all that its going to accept. Have you hit the DEAL button ? If the machine is setup as a 4 coin machine and its been fed 4 coins the rest are just going to slide right through. Yes it could be that simple.
Or it could be that the coin compairator has a mis-aligned sample coin or even the coin opics could have gone bad....
One thing to try is just to let the machine sit for 20min and let it warm up. Then try inserting coins. Sometimes the optics are a bit dirty and even perhaps have condensation on them and the warmth of the machine clears the problem.
Next thing to try is to open the door and the coin compairitor should have a sample coin. Just because the machine might say 25c it is possible someone has put in a sample token instead of a quarter, or the sample coin has been removed or even that someone substituted a nickle or dollar coin.
Since it sounds like you only have 1 machine The settings for the WAM address is 0, and the communication type should be NONE.
>I have an IGT Double Double Bonus Poker (1996). This
>is a sit down machine. It shows the following:
>4 closure restart
>In 4
>The machine will not accept any coins at all. It just
>sits in this unusable mode. I have tried resetting
>all the machine settings. Now, I don't even know the
>'default' settings. There are settings such as 'WAM'
>and 'Communication Type'. Does anyone know what these
>default settings should be?
>Or does anyone know a quick fix for this 'closure
>Thanks and sorry for the rambling....
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